Dominate Your Market with the Premium Website Plan

The Ultimate Solution for Those Who Demand Excellence!



$450 Monthly


  • One Page Website Development

  • Domain Purchase *

  • Website Design Template **

  • Marketing Consultation: 30 minutes One-Time

  • Onboarding Video Tutorial


  • Hosting, Maintenance, and Support ***

  • One Branded Email

  • Microsoft Clarity Analytics

  • Google Analytics

  • Compliance Policies

  • Advanced Marketing Dashboard:

    • Business Directory Listings

    • Social Media Marketing

    • Reputation Oversight

    • Review Monitoring & Gathering

    • Reporting, Analytics, Insights


  • Minimum 6 Month Contract

  • 30 Day Cancellation

* The choice of domain name is dependent on availability. There is an annual fee to retain the name.

** No Customization Available

*** After the initial setup, support includes one text and one image change monthly, with additional assistance available. Additional support is billed at 15-minute increments (hourly rate is $75.00). Email Support Only.

Purchase The Premium Plan
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Building your digital presence with a website is just the beginning of a rewarding digital marketing journey.

Our flexible solutions are crafted to grow with you, from a single landing page to a comprehensive, robust website. We offer additional services, including e-commerce functionality, an insightful blog, downloadable eBooks, convenient booking calendars, or interactive contact forms. Our packages are designed to expand and adapt to your business needs. Start with a solid foundation and seamlessly unlock new features and capabilities as your online influence grows. With our tiered approach, you’re not just building a website but paving a path towards digital excellence. to succeed.


The Premium Plan is designed to help businesses grow online, offering a wide range of services to improve your website’s visibility and effectiveness. This plan includes everything you need to establish a robust online presence, making it a complete package for those who want to make an impact on the internet. It blends the acquisition of online tools and foundational marketing strategies to create a unified and impactful approach to your online activities.

The core of the Premium Plan is its ability to provide a good return on investment (ROI). It combines various services, from making your website more attractive and user-friendly to a dashboard, reputation monitoring, reviews management, and social media campaigns. Each element is customized to attract more visitors, encourage them to take action, and ultimately, increase your sales.

But the Premium Plan is more than just a list of services; it’s a full solution that works alongside your overall business strategy. It aims to make your business highly visible online and establish you as a leader in your field. With an emphasis on ROI, the plan also includes detailed analytics and insights, helping you understand your online performance and make informed decisions. This thoughtful approach is designed to equip businesses with the necessary tools and knowledge to successfully navigate the online world for long-term success.

The Premium Plan is a strategic partner for businesses looking to significantly enhance their online presence. It offers comprehensive solutions and is committed to delivering real, measurable results, marking a smart investment in the future of your digital endeavors.The Pro Plan offers a comprehensive service suite for businesses looking to establish or enhance their online presence. At its core, the plan includes domain purchase, which is essential for brand identity, and a branded email to maintain professionalism in communications. Users can choose from various website design templates, ensuring a visually appealing and user-friendly website.

Hosting, maintenance, and support are covered, ensuring that websites remain operational, secure, and updated. The plan comes equipped with a basic marketing dashboard that provides insights into web traffic and user engagement, powered by tools like Microsoft Clarity and Google Analytics for in-depth analysis.

A standout feature is the 30-minute marketing consultation, offering personalized strategies. The plan also includes an onboarding video tutorial for easy setup, operates on a month-to-month basis without a long-term contract, and allows for a 30-day cancellation.
After the initial setup, support includes one text and one image change monthly, with additional assistance available.

This plan is designed for businesses seeking a straightforward, effective solution to creating and managing their online presence, with the flexibility to adapt as their needs evolve.

One Time Investment

The initial investment is crucial for setting the foundation of your online presence. We ensure that every aspect, from design to deployment, is tailored to meet your business objectives and designed for maximum return on investment.

Domain Purchase?

Securing a relevant and memorable domain name is vital. It reinforces your brand identity and improves your online visibility, making it easier for customers to find and remember you.

The choice of domain name is dependent on availability.

One Branded Email

A professional email address linked to your domain enhances your credibility, showing your customers and partners that you’re serious and established in your business operations.

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Website Design Templates

The variety and quality of available design templates mean you can select a website look that perfectly matches your brand image, ensuring a consistent and professional online presence.

Hosting, Maintenance & Support

Reliable hosting services and ongoing maintenance and support ensure your website remains operational, secure, and up-to-date, allowing you to focus on your business rather than technical issues.

Marketing Consultation

A 30-minute marketing consultation provides valuable insights into strategies that can benefit your business. It offers personalized advice on how to effectively reach your target audience and grow your online presence.

What kind of support can I expect each month?

Standard support includes one text and image change, with additional email support available.

Live Onboarding Training Sessions

These sessions equip you with the knowledge and tools to manage your business effectively, ensuring you can maximize its features and capabilities from day one.

Analytics and Insights

With Microsoft Clarity and Google Analytics, you can access detailed analytics and insights into your website’s traffic and user behavior, enabling data-driven decisions to optimize your online strategy.

Advanced Marketing Dashboard

The advanced marketing dashboard offers comprehensive tools for business directory listings, social media marketing, reputation oversight, review monitoring and gathering, and reporting analytics and insights, providing a 360-degree view of your marketing efforts.

Contract Terms and Cancellation Policy

The plan outlines a 6-month minimum contract, payable monthly or in advance, with a 30-day cancellation policy. Full remittance is due if canceled prior to 6 months. This provides flexibility while ensuring enough time to see tangible results from the services.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the One-Time investment cover in the Premium Plan?

The one-time investment in the Premium Plan covers initial setup costs, including creating and launching your website, access to premium features such as advanced design templates, custom domain registration, enhanced security measures, and initial marketing and SEO strategies. This investment is designed to establish a solid foundation for your online presence.

How can I choose the right domain name through this plan?

Thanks to the guidance and tools provided, choosing the right domain name through the Premium Plan can be straightforward. These might include domain name suggestion tools that help you find a memorable, relevant, and SEO-friendly domain name that aligns with your brand identity. The plan may also offer consultation services to help you figure out the best domain name options based on your business goals and market competition.

The choice of domain name is dependent on availability.

Can I customize my website design template, or am I limited to preset options?

With the Premium Plan, you typically can expect a higher degree of customization for your website design template. The customization is defined before development.

What kind of support can I expect after my website goes live?

After your website goes live, you can expect comprehensive support from the Premium Plan. This often includes technical support for website issues, regular maintenance, security updates, and content update support. Support channels include email and chat assistance, ensuring that questions or problems are promptly addressed to keep your website running smoothly.

How does the marketing consultation help me in promoting my website?

The marketing consultation in the Premium Plan is designed to help you effectively promote your website by developing a tailored marketing strategy. This consultation could cover areas such as search engine optimization (SEO) to improve your site’s visibility, social media marketing to engage with your audience, email marketing strategies, content creation advice, and analytics interpretation to understand and improve the performance of your marketing efforts. The goal is to provide actionable insights and strategies to attract and retain customers.

Are You Struggling With The Rest Of Your Marketing?

It's More Than Just a Website

We combine all the tools you need to attract, convert, close,

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Social Media

Reputation Management

Websites & eCommerce

Logo Design & Branding

Google Business Profiles

Marketing Strategy